Reynoplate® Testing Information

Laboratory fire tests do not necessarily represent how Reynoplate® will perform in an actual fire. All reports and test data provided by Arconic Architectural Products LLC (AAP) apply only to the specific product sample, wall assembly, or cladding system tested. Different test conditions may cause different tests results. Reports and test data corresponding to a particular tested product sample or wall assembly are not a guarantee that the same product or wall assembly would always achieve the same test results. The owner, the architect, the general contractor, the installer and the fabricator/transformer, consistent with their roles, are responsible for choosing materials necessary to satisfy relevant building codes and/or regulations and otherwise design the wall assembly to protect building occupants and the building structure and surrounds from fire and other hazards arising from product misuse or improper installation.

The NFPA 285 and S134 tests, referenced by U.S. and Canadian building codes, are performed on a complete wall assembly and not on individual component materials. The results are specific to the wall assembly tested and may not reflect the performance or potential hazards of Reynoplate® or any other material under actual fire conditions. An assembly test and/or appropriate engineering analysis should always be conducted on the actual assembly intended for use. As a supplier of one product in an overall wall assembly, AAP is not responsible for determining whether a particular wall assembly using Reynoplate® has passed or would pass the NFPA 285 or S134 tests.

The ASTM E84 test is a product specific test referenced by U.S. building codes. It is not intended to reflect the performance or potential hazards of Reynoplate® or any other material under actual fire conditions in a wall assembly. This test method is intended only to provide comparative measurements of surface flame spread and smoke density measurements under the specific fire exposure conditions. The test protocol provides the following guidance: “Testing of materials that melt, drip, or delaminate to such a degree that the continuity of the flame front is destroyed, results in low flame spread indices that do not relate directly to indices obtained by testing materials that remain in place."

Material Fire Performance Tests

ASTM E136 - Aluminum Association 3003 Series  Test Report

CAN S114 - Intertek 2024 Test Report


Reynoplate® - ICC-ES Evaluation Report