Supplier Sustainability

To Arconic Suppliers:

Sustainability within our procurement function means selecting materials and services that consider the environmental, social, and economic impact in evaluating total cost. It is building relationships with suppliers who behave in a responsible and sustainable manner.

As a part of Arconic’s continuing commitment to sustainable business practices, we expect our suppliers,  contractors and others with whom we conduct business to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct.

As an important business partner, you play an integral role in helping us achieve our business conduct and sustainability goals. Your adherence to these standards is fundamental to our success.

The following describes Arconic’s Supplier Sustainability Program:


Communicate Expectations

Arconic’s Supplier Code of Conduct, as communicated on purchase orders and in our contract terms and conditions, outline the key values which we expect suppliers to uphold and share with others in their supply chain:
  • Conduct business with ethics and integrity
  • Operate in an environmentally responsible and efficient manner
  • Partner to increase efficiencies in processes, technologies, ideas and products
  • Uphold the human rights of all individuals
  • Commit to continual improvement and excellence


Arconic has chosen EcoVadis, a global leader in sustainability ratings based on international standards, to conduct individual sustainability performance assessments of our suppliers. Results and engagement levels in improving will be integrated into our sourcing and supplier review processes.

Monitor and Develop

After taking the assessment, suppliers will be invited to participate in a continuous improvement plan if applicable to help improve sustainability capabilities. This will be a collaborative value chain effort between Arconic and the Supplier.

Additional information regarding Arconic’s Sustainability Program can be found in the Sustainability Report.